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In 2020, a company specializing in ergonomic services and products, called ErgoSesh, reached out to me to find out if I could redo their site. They originally wanted a redesign, but after some conversations, we came to the conclusion that a strategy session would be highly beneficial to them too.

My Role:

UX Strategist, Designer & Developer – To help strategize what ErgoSesh’s new website would look like by understanding their business and users.

The Process

User Profiles

From believing everyone was their customer to focusing on 4 different users, we were able to narrow in on key points that would help with the look of their site.

User Journeys

Understanding how these customers do their day to day, helped tremendously in determining what the content and pages could be framed as.


From our User Profiles and Journeys, we came up with a large list of items to be done. However, only so much could be finished within the timeline and budget.

Content Strategy

Instead of creating content from thin air, we used the User Profiles and Journeys as a reference point to zero in on what was needed to be said, to make an impact on their potential new clients.


With the content now created, it was much easier to figure out the flow of the site and determine what the wireframes would look like.


Referencing the wireframes, I then used WordPress to put all the pieces together to create the final solution.

Step 1: User Profiles

How does one create a site that is unique to their customers?  By making sure you understand your target audience and not focus on everyone.  This was a clarifying moment for ErgoSesh because it made creating the website so much easier and not feel overwhelmed by trying to create something for everyone. 

One thing to note is that most people believe it’s best to have a wide audience to target, giving you a better chance to get more business.  However, this is far from the truth.  It’s always better to focus on a target audience first, then spread from there.  This will save you a ton of time and lots of money.

Further discussions revealed that they did have in mind specific individuals that they wanted to target.  As a result, we were able to pinpoint four key profiles immediately that would benefit from ErgoSesh’s services and products.


Sally is 34, has a bachelor’s degree in HR and is a Senior HR at a high-tech company.  She is married with one kid, leads an active lifestyle and takes transit everywhere.


She was getting a lot of complaints about work-related injuries from working at their desk too often.


To help individuals at work with ergonomic issues, Sally needs to create and show a proposal to her higher-ups that shows a saving in costs.


Knowing that there are a lot of individuals within the company that need ergonomic help, Sally is trying to do her best to get higher management buy-in to get a service, but this is taking longer than she thought.

Step 2: User Journeys

Now that we had a good understanding of the target market, it was time to understand their story from before they came to the website, during the usage of the website, and after.  We looked at five key areas: the journey, their thoughts, their actions, how they felt and what opportunity was presented.  By doing this exercise for each of the users, we were able to figure out key things to show on the website that would really get potential new customers interested in their services or products. 

The version I used to create user journeys was a shortened version, based on the amount of time everyone had.  And for this type of project, it made sense to do something along these lines.

Step 3: Prioritization

With opportunities now figured out due to the User Journey exercise, we now had numerous ideas that we could move forward with, but with a budget in mind, we had to be realistic with our goals and not take on too much.  To figure this out, we first listed all of the opportunities.  Then, using a scale from 1 – 10 (from I don’t care to I really want it) and timelines, we started to filter out the items that were doable for this project. 

Step 4: Content Strategy

Now that we had a good grasp on our target audience and their journeys, it was time to figure out what we’re going to be on our pages and what was going to be on them.  Taking all the key information that our 4 target groups needed to know, we then started to arrange them in different sections.  From there, these were put in an order of sequence that told a general story.  It was at this point we started to write the content for each of the pages, using google documents.

Step 5: Wireframing

With the content now figured out along with the narrative for each of the pages, it was time to start wireframing.  This process became a lot friendlier because having the copywrite done ahead of time made it easier to determine the visual story of the website.

Having worked with no content when doing wireframing becomes very difficult because the visuals can change drastically based on that copywrite.  It’s like drawing pictures for a comic book before you even see the writing for it.  How you tell the story can be very different, the compositions for each of the panels and other aspects.  You are essentially, in the end, doubling your efforts.

Step 6: Development

Working with WordPress, I used a theme to build their site using visual components and code for desktop, tablet and mobile.  WordPress enabled me to build the site quickly and allow ErgoSesh to take over after I was done.


In the end, ErgoSesh became very aware of who they were targeting with their new website and understood the importance of understanding who their users were. This enabled them to come up with great ideas to help advertise their services and products to the right market.

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